I'm sure you all know that moment when you are slurping a delicious peach lemonade slush and you get your first little slimy chunk of chewiness. You forgot you were in Taiwan and, of course, everything under the "Slush Mouthfeel" section of the menu is going to give you a mouthful of something. And yes, it did say "Mouthfeel". It must be in the English language somewhere, friends. Well, maybe you haven't had the moment, but I just did and, strange as it may seem, it reminded me of the past week of teaching.
When I knew I was supposed to come teach English in Taiwan, I knew without a doubt that God wanted me to go and I also knew that it would be hard. Those two facts have not wavered, but another fact is slowly gaining dominance in my mind: My Father is good. He never fluctuates in goodness. And while His very Being is good, all that He does is also good.

(Another slimy surprise -A Taiwanese Passion Fruit, very yummy)
Those are some good moments. I guess they come when you're questioning God with the expectation that He answer and then when He answers its at the time He chooses, which is always the best. That happened to me at Summit a few times. Enjoy every mouthfeel.