Saturday, September 28, 2013

Slimy Serendipity

I'm sure you all know that moment when you are slurping a delicious peach lemonade slush and you get your first little slimy chunk of chewiness. You forgot you were in Taiwan and, of course, everything under the "Slush Mouthfeel" section of the menu is going to give you a mouthful of something. And yes, it did say "Mouthfeel". It must be in the English language somewhere, friends. Well, maybe you haven't had the moment, but I just did and, strange as it may seem, it reminded me of the past week of teaching. 

When I knew I was supposed to come teach English in Taiwan, I knew without a doubt that God wanted me to go and I also knew that it would be hard. Those two facts have not wavered, but another fact is slowly gaining dominance in my mind: My Father is good. He never fluctuates in goodness. And while His very Being is good, all that He does is also good. 

When I ordered my slush, I thought I knew what to expect, but then there was the little slimy chunks to take the train of my experience and set it on a whole new track. That was week one of teaching, for me. I started out thinking that I knew what to expect. I knew I was supposed to be there and I knew it would be difficult, but I got a lovely surprise. It was that moment when I stood up in front of the class to teach and all five of my students looked at me expectantly and I knew my God is good. I can't explain exactly how it all connects or makes sense in my mind or even why I realized this in that moment, but somehow its like ordering a delicious drink and taking your first sip and getting the delightful slush with a slimy surprise that in the end is very yummy. After all, who doesn't like chewing a little bit of goop while drinking a slushy?

(Another slimy surprise -A Taiwanese Passion Fruit, very yummy)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Enjoyable Plane Ride (Sarcasm Included)

What does it take to get somewhere? 

Often I find myself content not going anywhere, but is that even possible? Can you honestly go nowhere? For on your way to nowhere, you are going somewhere. But, what is the point of going anywhere knowing that you are already somewhere? Where am I going with all this? I'm not really sure. But, I think my point is that we are always going somewhere, doing something, even if we think we are not. Sometimes its just more obvious which way we are going. 

When you get on a plane to go to a different country its very obvious that you are going somewhere, especially when you are not flying first class and the seat that you get so happens to be made for a small child and the guy next to you got the same one who is now oozing into your seat. While siting at home reading a book or watching a movie does not feel like you are going anywhere, we cannot be stagnate Christians we are either moving closer to God or farther away, and I hope we all are moving closer to Him. Our lives need to be focused on one thing, knowing God. In all of our travels, in all of our trials, we need to know Him. This is why Anna and I are here in Taiwan -to know Him- not to do ministry, not to make friends or start churches, or even make converts, but to know Him. God is looking for people who will seek Him over everything and when they are willing to seek Him, which will cost them everything, then He will use them for His kingdom. We do not do ministry to know Him, we do ministry because we know Him, which means if we do not know him, then what are we doing? 

When I graduated college, I had a big plan to do great things. I was smart enough to know I was pretty dumb, so I thought more college was the answer. When God shut the door there, it was to teach something I probably would not have learned in school. Finding myself in situations I had never desired nor did I excel in, I fell into the true strength of utter dependence on God. 

I thought dependence on God was simply praying for His strength and doing the things He wanted me to do. However, I have begun to learn that it is less about what you do and more about resting in God wherever you are. I can't say I really enjoyed waiting tables as God taught me to depend on Him, but that was the school of His choosing. With all these thoughts in mind, will you pray for us to rest in our Father and know His ways? 

 A Nantou Sunset